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Integration Friendly

Integrating with your current monitoring systems

CDB goes a large step beyond just monitoring vibration. CDB is developed in a way that is flexible to work with other vibration monitoring solutions in the marketplace today. Since the critical part of the CDB system is software, an integration effort would mostly involve software integration engineering.

The hardware requirements for the CDB process are mostly common items readily available. CDB is a CBM enabler in that it compliments existing data source collectors such as Health Unit Monitoring Systems (HUMS) and Modernized Signal Processor Units (MSPU). CDB could be integrated into these and other monitoring systems in the future as needed, thus increasing the capability of such systems.

There are few options to acquire data for processing, one of which can be from current system (assuming data is collected from the same data points and RPM). During CDB run, data will be collected from current system and CDB algorithms will provide with balancing solutions. Another path will be to download data from current software and the CDB system will analyze and provide with solution if needed.

Depending on the needs of our clients, our engineering department can define the integration requirements and develop a path for a seamless integration with current and future planed solutions

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